Change is the end result of all true learning--- Leo Buscalgia

As we go through certain life transitions (i.e., getting married, going away to school, changing jobs, starting careers, retiring, and so on) we sometimes forget to factor in the stress that these changes entail.

Sometimes we may be so overwhelmed and exhausted that it inadvertently starts affecting our relationships with our loved ones. Moreover, there may be a lot of grief associated with these changes that we may not have taken into consideration. Talking about that grief may feel uncomfortable at times with loved ones or maybe they have expressed that you just need to "get on with it."

If you live a busy life, playing a variety of roles, and need a place to explore how different transitions or life changes have left an impression on you then you have come to the right place. As a licensed professional, I am here to help.

Contact me:

Meghana Suchak, Ph.D.
4010 Dupont Circle
Suite 574, Louisville, KY 40207 
Phone: (502) 912-1498